E-风尚网是由中国服装设计师协会牵头,北京视线娇点科技有限公司全程投入的时尚资讯门户网站,作为时尚网站的领先者,网站依托中国服装设计师协会庞大的专业数据库和权威的专业信息资源, 以打造时尚旗舰网站为经营目标,致力于传播国内外时尚资讯,引导大众时尚生活,促进时尚产业发展,为大众和业界朋友提供第一手时尚信息及在线媒体增值服务。网站现有11个频道,内容丰富,每日浏览量超过10万人次,在目前国内同类网站中排名前十位,已成为颇具影响力的时尚网络平台。
E-Vogue is a fashion information website, introduced by China Fashion Association and supported by Beijing E-Vogue Network Technology Co., Ltd. As it is a leader of fashion website, it depends on giant professional data-base and information to create fashion flagship website, to spread fashion information at home and abroad, to guide people’s fashion life, to promote the evelopment of fashion industry and provide information and valued service. Thewebsite contains a lot of colorful contents with 11 channels and 100 thousand browse times a day. It has been a influential fashion web platform, ranking the first 10 top at home by far.
The company can take the construction, trusteeship and protection service of enterprise website with the help of its web technology development. At the meanwhile, it is a good way to promote the enterprise image, famous brand and products by using E-Vogue platform information.